Sunday, November 15, 2009

Scenes from a Dog Show

Yesterday Alex and I attended our first Dog Show. We had no idea what to expect. We wandered around for hours, taking in all the sights and sounds (and smells).

This little guy was just hanging out. Not sure if he was a participant or not, but he was very cute.

Snoopy just woke up from a nap. (Ok, I don't know if that's his name, but it should be.)

Where else can you see a grown man in a suit brushing a dog's rear-end?

This poor thing didn't know if he was coming or going.

And I thought this woman kind of resembled her dog a little bit. This little Pom went home with a blue ribbon.

People are very serious at dog shows.

All the winners got their portraits taken.

We watched these dogs for a very long time. I wish Jenny could have seen them. They were SO obedient.

We missed the 8am Corgi competition, but we ran into a couple of participants in the parking lot. We chatted with their owner, who was from Canada. This is Amy and Secret. They were so very well behaved. They didn't bark, they didn't growl. It was nice to see that Corgi's can be good dogs. Maybe there is hope for Jenny. If we were to hire a trainer...


Unknown said...

awww. that pom looks like p-head.

Kelseyyyy said...

OMG! The corgis arn't fat! xD And their fur looks soft and fluffy! Why can't we have one of themm? ;P