Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Day Festivities

We had a very busy Thanksgiving today. First off, Alex decided to run the local Turkey Trot.

There were 1500 runners/walkers that took part in the 5k race. He's actually right up in the front. Behind his friend Sean in the bright blue shirt on the left-ish side of the photo. (If you click on the photo, you can see him.)

Alex finished his first 5k race in 23:22. 149th overall. He did a great job! Several of the boys on his x-country team also ran, as did his coach. (Who Alex ended up passing right near the end!)

Right before the race, Alex was one of several of his friends interviewed by NewsChannel 9. His interview didn't make the news, but he had fun anyway!

After the race, we hosted Thanksgiving dinner. We had 11 people at the table this year. And Jenny was there to vacuum as needed.

Gary brought over the "Hayden Family Platter" for us to use for the turkey. It was a very interesting platter... Dad was very intrigued.

It had these silver handles...

And a contraption that held the turkey down while you cut it.

After the food was ready, we sat down to eat. Here are Eric and I.

Gary with Kelly and Laura.

Paula and Mom. Before the feast.

Alex the comedian, with me, Eric, Kelsey and Yvette.

Kelly and Laura took a break to color a Thanksgiving picture.

Kelly, Gary, Laura and Paula... posing for a Hayden Family photo.

Yvette made an amazing pumpkin pie. (She also brought an apple pie, but I forgot to take a photo of that.)

We only had one minor mishap that was easily fixed with a hug.

And it wouldn't be a Hayden Family Gathering without a clogged toilet! We hope that everybody had a fabulous Thanksgiving!! And hope that your toilets remained clog-free.

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