Sunday, March 21, 2010

Spring Has Sprung?

Today was a surprise. I thought it was going to be cool and cloudy and rainy. It was none of that. It was sunny and nice and semi-warm. I'll take 60 degrees in March any time! It was perfect day for some much needed yard work.

I got a new decorative flag today. That poor flag post has been bare since the fall. I kept meaning to get a Christmas one... and a winter one... but it sat empty. But now I have a spring/summer one. It goes well with the house. And will look nice once we can put bark mulch down and finish cleaning up after winter. And once the wrinkles come out too. I should probably iron it...

We started the spring clean-up today. We picked up 2 full bags of twigs and leaves. Just from the front/side yard.

And 10 lbs of dog poop from the back. It's amazing how much a dog poops in 4 months.

And Alex picked out a nice new plant for me today too. To replace the one he "broke". He accidentally killed the plant that used to live on top of the microwave. I like the palm tree. And it requires minimal care, just the way I like 'em!


Whitaker Woods said...

That's just gross! Who takes a pic of poo? Had to be Ike.

Amanda said...

Heheheh.... nope, it was me! You think the picture was gross, you should have seen the backyard!