Tuesday, January 20, 2009

In Honor of the Day...

This idea is totally stolen from my friend Robin (thanks!)... but I thought it would be fun to post this poll today. Vote for your favorite political/presidential movie and tell me why in the comments. Don't be shy! I know there are lots of you who read this blog who don't normally like to leave comments... so jump right in! 


Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
All the President's Men
The American President
Citizen Kane
Wag the Dog
Primary Colors
The Manchurian Candidate (either version)
Air Force One


rb said...

wow... of all these movies i've only seen wag the dog.. it was alright. Frost Nixon looks good though.

Amanda said...

Oops! I didn't post my favorite... Mine is probably Primary Colors. Only because I was working at WMUR during the primary that this movie was about and they actually shot some of the movie there. Our main anchor even had a part. I really liked JFK too though...

Beth in NEPA said...

The only one I saw was all the Presidents men and don't even remember much about it..... I probably remember the real event more than the movie.