We thought we were going to have to buy a new refrigerator right when we moved into our house because we thought the owner was taking the old one with her. But she ended up leaving it. Which was nice because we were able to wait on making such a big purchase. So it's been on our "list" of things to get.
We've been looking for a couple of weeks now and today we made the purchase. With the Energy Star rebate (and a 10% off to boot), it helped bring the cost down.

Here is our current fridge. I think the black side-by-side will look sharp! I can't wait. It is being delivered next Saturday... hopefully there will be enough room for what's left of Wilbur!
That is one big fridge. Are you going to have to move that cabinet?
It's really not that big. It's about the same size as the one that's there right now. It's the smallest side-by-side we could find. It's only 32" in width and 22 cubic feet. We couldn't go much wider because the opening is only 35". And no, the cabinet doesn't move, so we were pretty limited. All the other side-by-sides we found were over 35" wide.
Beautiful fridge. I think that's going to be one of our short term soon purchases providing the ole Caravan can keep clunking alone. So nice to see you last week. Still don't think wine is for me.)
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